Commercial Body Shop


Thriving in the local community of Delta, our commercial client approached us with their needs and a budget to operate within. Due to experiencing growth, our client was ready to expand their business and asked us to convert the building into a larger, 4 bay body shop.

We offer the same commitment to quality builds and client care for both our commercial and residential projects, and were grateful to be trusted to deliver this beautiful finished product to our client.

Location: Tsawwassen
Design: Designed by Client

Key Facts

  • In order to install four bays, we had to build the bay openings out of steel and add some steel supports inside the building.

  • This massive installation of steel required us to support the structure with temporary walls and remove the face of the lower part of the building.

  • Once the building was reassembled, the stucco was all removed due to poor flashings and rot issues. The rot was repaired, the windows and doors flashed properly, as well as new building wrap and new stucco was re-installed.

Before & After