Does it make sense to renovate or build new?

This a great question, and we wish there was a simple yes or no answer to it. The answer truly is customized and depends on various factors: the build quality of your current home, city requirements and budget. Whether building or renovating, all projects require the proper drawings in place. We can help you choose the right professionals for your project and they will work with you to figure out what makes sense for your situation.

Do I need a designer?

In most cases, yes; designers are key members of a team crafted to guide you and they will develop the ideas that you have for your current or future home. Designers are experts at offering ideas and products that work to help create your vision. They also save you time and money. Using their knowledge, every aspect of the design will be thought through and addressed. After these considerations, they deliver very detailed drawings and specifications for your project, providing a clear picture for the builder. Major delays are then avoided because the many decisions that need to be made have now already been accomplished, and the contractor will then know exactly what is needed at every stage of the project.

What is covered in my warranty if I build a new home?

New home warranty is broken into 3 parts:

  1. Two years labour and materials (some limits apply)

  2. Five years on the building envelope including water penetration

  3. Ten years on the structure

Please take a look at BC Housing Website for more information regarding Home Warranty.

Can I hire an unlicensed builder to build my home?

No. All new homes require a licensed builder to build your home as they are required to provide a warranty for your home and they are unable to obtain a license without having a warranty provider in place.

What type of insurance do I need during the construction of my new home?

A homeowner is required to carry course of construction insurance throughout the building process until completion. Once the home is completed you can use regular home insurance. We can connect you with an insurance company that can supply you with what is required.

When renovating how much of a contingency should we have in place?

During the initial stages of pricing your renovation, we do our best to plan for all the items that need to be done for your renovation. But there are times in a renovation where you do not know what you are going to be dealing with until you open up the walls or floors. There is no way to determine if the previous person that renovated your home did things correctly. We recommend having a 10%-15% contingency in place for these types of situations.

What do you think is the most important part of the construction process?

We believe a successful construction process relies on excellent communication. Keeping the homeowners informed and being available for them during the process is very important for each party. We make sure that we are available on site for our sub-trades so that they always have someone to go over the details with, which saves both time and frustration. Nikari Homes maintains constant communication with our architects and designers throughout the build as we all have an interest in making your project a success. Building a home requires a large team of people and if communication is a problem then mistakes get made often causing additional expense and delays. We make it our job to ensure the entire process is as stress-free as possible for you, and have developed a clear system we follow to ensure a remarkable finish.